Telling the Camelina Success Story

Sustainable Oils, a startup Camelina seed company, originally approached AgriStudios with the need to create a highlight video of their Montana field days as a means to share the performance of the crop over social media to potential growers.

This original request led to conversation on a greater strategy on how video could be utilized as a communication tool to build trust between Sustainable Oils and producers. The result is a compelling brand video, grower testimonials, and timely updates for use on social media, all of which reflect the values and the down-to-each, producer-focused nature of the Sustainable Oils brand.

In addition to content production, ExxonMobil’s renewables marketing team was given digital media assets of Montana Camelina acreage for use in their marketing objectives.

The Finished Portfolio


406 Agronomy Summit


Ranchers Stewardship Alliance